Monday, October 27, 2014

Spiritual Realities #2c – The Power to Make Peace: Home Again

All About Power
a different apt.
A new intake representative filled the open position at the apartment complex where I used to live. When my daughter heard this, she took it upon herself to make an appointment with him.

She began to tell him about the circumstances which led to my current homelessness: how management kept sending me eviction brochures, requiring that I reapply to live with my daughter, and after I had left, had maintenance illegally enter her apartment without her permission to make sure my belongings weren’t there. Yep. It pays to have friends in the same complex who kept watch for us!

The intake rep was not a happy man. What words passed between him and the dishonest Christian manager I do not know; but I was home again within a week of my daughter’s visit. Afterwards, the intake rep called us in and personally apologized to my daughter and me, saying I was never removed from the lease document. We could hear the manager “shuffling papers” in his nearby office.

To make real peace, though, I sought him out later—the person whose power had brought me to experience homelessness, unrighteousness, and pain. I found him by the mailbox one day and offered my hand, so that pono (righteousness) might be restored between us. After all, he was a “positional” Christian, and like it or not, Jesus commanded us to agape-love brothers and sisters in Christ (John 13.34; 1 John 2:8, 10; 2 John 5, 6). A command leaves no other options or alternatives open, does it!

In response, the manager took my hand and inquired if I had moved back in “okay”. I couldn’t reply with words, but I suppose my gentle hand-squeeze and the silent tears that ran down my cheeks had said more than enough. Being thus reconciled with a Christian brother, I returned to my previous lifestyle and activities.

Next time: #2d The Power of Choice: What You Sow, You Reap

Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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