Monday, October 20, 2014

Spiritual Realities #2b – The Power to Make Do: A Nomadic Lifestyle

All About Power

Homelessness was my life now. Ostracism clung to me like a drowning friend; and paranoia tagged along wherever I went.

Disruption by civil authorities, who were constantly forcing us to move elsewhere, promised to be an unwelcome daily irritation in the humiliating life of a soul wishing to be left alone. Really? We can’t even lick our wounds in peace?!

Our difficulty is trying to find a place to stay during the day. At least I could leave my stuff at my sister’s and not look so obviously homeless, but others weren’t so lucky. They carried their belongings with them wherever they went. I was better off than they were. At least I could blend in with “normal people” at the mall; or have a cup of juice at a public table. I’d make that juice last a very l-o-n-g time because I hated to be on the move again. Americans don’t even think about how difficult it is to live a nomadic lifestyle. We’re used to settling in one place and taking for granted that we can do so without disruption.

Yet, today’s lawful intrusions make the homeless feel like criminals, even though we’re assured that being homeless isn’t a crime. Really? We would laugh at your “compassionate disruption” if it weren’t so painfully obvious that the term was connived in the comfort of a board room—over coffee—with sophisticated members like Aloof Rationale and Self Justification!

Sad, isn’t it, when another homeless person simply nods at you in passing? We recognize and empathize with each others' hopelessness. One nod is enough. Words are useless mockeries.

Finally, after many unproductive and seemingly endless hours had accumulated into eleven miserable months, my heart was ready. Ready? To forgive the person who—through use of deceptive insinuations and managerial maneuverings—had brought me to homelessness.

That’s the moment when God became my advocate, and small miracles began to occur to correct the situation in my favor!

Next week: #2c  The Power to Make Peace: Home Again

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