Monday, February 10, 2014

Spiritual Senses #16 – The Sense of Taste

A Spiritual Kingdom
Courtesy Dean Williams 2012
Scripture says “O Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). I’m sure most of us have taken this verse more figuratively than literally. However, as we continue our walk and growth in God, the Spirit leads us (Rom. 8:14) into experiences that validate the literal interpretation of the Scriptures:

  • My oldest sister joined me at MacDonald’s for a quick snack. I poured a diet soda for myself. She got a fruit punch. Sitting at table, I took a sip of my drink. It tasted of perfume. Now, I’m not a perfume-wearing girl; I prefer citrus scents. So, I thought maybe my cup was tainted by somebody else’s perfume. I ditched the drink and made myself another one.

This time, I was careful to smell the cup before I filled it. It was okay. Back at the table, I sipped my new drink; however, the perfume taste was still there! Puzzled, I let the soda stand for a while. Then, I was caught off guard. Too slow to prevent it, my sister grabbed my soda, saying she needed to sip a stronger drink than her fruit punch.

I waited, holding my breath as she sipped. She plopped it back down and said, “Blah! It tastes like perfume! Did you put on perfume?” Eyes wide, I shook my head ‘no’.

Other incidences similar to this one followed. The great thing about God is, he will continue to provide similar experiences to the message he’s sending us, until we find them difficult to deny. Then once he establishes his purpose in us—to thereafter deny the experience, make light of it, or to explain it away as some kind of mental disorder or illusion—well, that just proves our faithlessness as “Christians”, yes?

In which case, we’ll never be able to enter into any of God’s promises because we continue to resuscitate an unbelieving heart!

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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