Monday, January 27, 2014

Spiritual Senses #15 – More on Feeling Spirits

A Spiritual Kingdom

Kaneohe Bay 2014
Our body becomes sensitized to spirit as we begin to move away from our sin nature and become partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4):

  1. Three years after I became born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit—and the work of the cross was self-evident in my life—a small group of us headed for a prayer meeting. We arrived late. Worship was over and the meeting had begun. The preacher was at mic. For some reason, I felt an invisible barrier just before we entered the tent; so I stayed where I was. The rest of the group continued to their seats.

After he shared his message for the day, he remarked that worship changes the atmosphere under the tent. So, whenever anybody comes late (I know he was talking about us!) they poke holes in the anointing and dilute the spirit of the place. Because I felt that spiritual barrier, I can say “yep” and “amen” to the preacher’s remarks. Ah, well. We live and we learn. Sorry, Lord. Mianhe.

  1. As my walk advanced and more of the sins of the flesh were abandoned, I worked at a new job. One day I was not feeling well. My boss offered to let me lie down on the sofa in her office. She closed the door and said she would come for me in an hour. After fifteen minutes of praying in the spirit, I felt a tug on my big toe. A woman’s voice asked, “What is it, sweetie? What do you want?” I felt no fear. Only astonishment. Flabbergasted, really. I couldn’t reply. I look back on this and regret that I didn’t ask at least one of the many questions I had. I was a fool and so slow of heart to believe (Luke 24:25)—even as the Lord was all grace and mercy to me.

Now, if we haven’t experienced the Lord’s sense of humor, then we are not yet fully transformed in his image (2 Cor. 3:18):

  1. Like my blog intro says, I hang around with humorous people because I’m much too serious. Evidently, one day, the Lord agreed. I was (as usual) deep in thought, dwelling upon the Lord and Scriptures. I made my way to a quiet place. As I was sitting, still deep in thought, I suddenly felt a conk on my head. I immediately looked up. I was not under a tree; there was no wind to carry an object along; it was quite peaceful. Okay, I got it. Obviously, I was being told to “lighten up”. LOL. Sigh.

Next time: The sense of taste.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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