Workings of the Holy Spirit – Personal Experience
Hualalai Harbor, courtesy Clever Smyth 2013 |
Our validation that we are more spirit than flesh comes from spiritual healing that are outside of 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, but inside Revelation 22:2. Remember, fruit-bearers have entered into that which is perfect (1 Cor. 13:8-10).
One day, my left upper back was giving me intense pain. If there’s one thing I dislike is pain of that intensity. My entire thirty-something life was spent in excruciating pain. I was in total misery.
I prayed that God would heal me. The gifts of the Spirit
had, by this time, long ceased to operate for me—no matter how many churches I
had attended where there were “laying on of hands”. Yet, the reality of Jesus’
promise was for me (John 11:26).
That night, I had a dream of sharing the fruit of gentleness
with a spirit-person. The next morning, as I dwelt upon the dream-experience, I
began to smell a scent that reminded me of crushed green leaves. I continued to
inhale this scent because I was intrigued by it. After maybe a half hour the
smell dissipated.
By evening, the pain was gone! Then the Scripture came to me
of the leaves of the trees in Revelation that were for healing. I always
wondered why, if we’re in heaven, we would still need leaves to heal us. Now I
know that those leaves are not only for the spirits in heaven, but also for
those of us on earth—who are changing (mĕtamŏrphŏō) into spirit (2 Cor. 3:18)!
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright ©
1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan
Publishing House. All rights reserved.
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