Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Spiritual Senses #7 – Hearing the Future

A Spiritual Kingdom

palm 2013
Sometimes, the Spirit lets us hear the future before he reveals it to our sight.

I was young in the Lord and new to speaking in tongues—eager to learn all I could about the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:4-11 NIV). One day I was thinking about Jesus and what he did for me. Then, the sound of somebody blowing a trumpet intruded on my thoughts. What is that? I followed the sound—not because it was loud—but because the notes were flat! It seemed to come from the storage under the house. As I came upon the storage, the trumpet playing stopped.

I was so excited. I hurriedly blurted it to my sister, who was also new in the Lord. But I had erred badly. In my excitement, I said that I heard the sound of trumpets made by angels and the sound was heavenly.

The weekend came—and with it a surprise. In a large bin under the house, my young nephews “found” my dad’s old trumpet stuffed among his other things. They began to blow the trumpet and yes, there were many flat notes played that day! Though I tried to tell my sister that this was the sound I had heard earlier in the week, she looked at me annoyed and angry. “You said it sounded like angels! Like heavenly music! This isn’t it!”

Spirit let me hear the future, but the lesson was, “…consider carefully how you listen” (Luke 8:18 NIV). When Spirit decides to gift us, we have the responsibility to be faithful to convey what we see or hear. Since I was young in the Lord, his grace covered my ignorance and my sin.

Now that I am more experienced in spiritual workings, I am careful not to abuse or misuse his gifts. I wish to be found faithful in the service he has entrusted to me.

Next time: Hearing the Future to Perform God’s Will
Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

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