Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Spiritual Senses #1 – Perfumed Smell

A Spiritual Kingdom

Courtesy: Dean Williams 2012
We were a young church back then. It was Friday, the day we held our first workshop on the Nine Gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:7-10).

That night, I lay down to sleep, but I was too happy! I tossed and turned, going over the day’s activities, and thanking God for being with us and blessing our presentation. How long I thanked him I do not know.

Then, a scent of perfume met my nostrils. Curious, I got up to check on the source. Everyone was sleeping, so I lay back down again. The scent seemed stronger now. I breathed in the sweet perfume because it smelled so wonderful! However, the perfume seemed to be getting more concentrated. I sat up, thinking a change of air around me might help; but the aroma clung to my nostrils. It was like eating too much sweet cake! The strong perfume began to make me cough. I ran outside, hoping the wind would blow the perfume away; hoping to catch my breath of regular air. After a while, the perfume dissipated, although I coughed a little here and there. Eventually, I headed back to bed. I still had a workshop to finish the next day.

Surprise! I woke up, to find perfume still clinging to my nostrils. Was it just my imagination? After the workshop, all the attendees gathered at the front of the church for prayer. I coughed a few times and worried because it seemed to me that the perfume was coming out of me and spreading into the air around us. At that moment, one of the teenage boys in the group remarked that he smelled perfume. Was anybody wearing any? The answer was ‘no’. Some innate wisdom in me warned that I should keep my mouth shut. Frightened Christians often attribute spiritual occurrences as from the devil—and I wasn’t going to be a fool for anybody’s fear that day.

The Scripture is: “All the while my breath is in me, and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils” (Job 27:3).

Thirty-three years later, it’s been tough-going, growing up and learning about spirit. Today, I’m at a Garden Party; and while I don’t please everyone, I do try to please the Lord.

Next blog-Connecting the Spiritual Sense of Smell
Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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