Friday, September 14, 2012

# 9b – When We Can’t Find Faith (Part 2 of 2)

3) Faith to recognize God’s answer

photo credit: Dean Williams 2012
In fact, I felt like my mother! I felt hunched like she had been. I felt I had her white hair, her facial creases, and her tired smile. So convinced was I that I anxiously glanced around the empty room. Mom, if your senior-citizen friends were to walk in here right now, would they say to me, ‘Ana, what are you doing here’?

Peace descended. Fear left. My body quieted. Joyfully, I hunkered down—so happy that God chose to answer this particularly strange prayer of mine.

When I came to, I felt like myself again.

I was surprised to see my aunt sitting next to my bed. Unexpectedly, a tear rolled down my face, which prompted her to ask, “How’re you doing? You okay?” This aunt and my mom were very close sisters-in-law. I responded that I was okay and thanked her for coming.

After she left, my heart beamed a silent prayer of gratitude to God for this extra special gesture on his part because in a strange way, mom had visited me twice: first, literally, as spirit-wind and then second, figuratively, in the flesh as aunty (Matt. 11:9, 10, 14 - John the Baptist as Elijah).

What is faith? For me faith is the proof of things I cannot see; the reality of what I hoped for and took hold of, during my time of need (Heb. 11:1).
Faith is accepting the proof and the reality when they appear in whatever form God chooses to package it.


Scriptures from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV).


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