Thursday, November 27, 2014

Spiritual Realities #2f – Power Because God has Your Back

All About Power

The end result of letting the self “be wronged” and “cheated” is a clean and humble heart, which occurs because we’ve picked up our cross and followed Jesus, who also claimed to have a meek and humble of heart. What isn’t so well known is that along our journey of loss “to win Christ” (Phil. 3:8), comes our “rereward” (Isaiah 52:12; 58:8), meaning that God takes up our cause or, in today’s slang, God has our back!

For the Lord will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your rear guard (Isaiah 52:12 NKJV).

The following testimonies show how God had my back. They may not seem “earth shattering” to you, but to me they were; and perhaps God starts us off “small” because we’re new to this journey of loss. By the way, “to choose to lose” is something that churches don’t teach us about, yes?

1.     My upstairs neighbor always dusts her dirty rug over the railing around three in the morning so she won’t get caught breaking the house rules. My daughter wanted to retaliate but I said “No, better not to make enemies where you lay your head”. Instead, I made certain to sweep up the neighbor’s red hair, empty peanut shells, and yes, her husband’s cigarette butts because it was also the house rules that we are responsible to keep our area clean. One day, as I was walking down the stairs, she was walking up. Suddenly, she slipped and went on bended knee before me. She was so embarrassed that she quickly got up and ran up the stairs. I thought nothing of it until the next example:
2.     A person tried to trick me to accompany his mother to a meeting to learn about her Alzheimer’s disease because he was too lazy to go himself. Since I confront dark motives and bring them into the light, he did not appreciate it. He took offense and started to shove me. When I wouldn’t let his lame excuses go, he shoved me out of his mother’s apartment and yelled filthy names at me, warning me not to come to his house again. Months passed after that incident occurred, yet I was quick to let the anger go; I only wanted to please God, you see. So I forgave him from my heart. What I did not know was that he was getting into frequent car accidents. At a family gathering, someone mentioned his bad luck. It was not until he had to walk pass where I was sitting that God got my attention. It was a dry, sunny day; yet, he slipped on one knee before me; and like the neighbor had done before, he quickly got up. As he reached for the item he was after, God said to me, “Apologize”. Since God knew my heart was clean, I think he wanted me to apologize because this person couldn’t. So, as he made to leave, I called him to come. When he did, I hugged him and told him I was sorry. I continued to hold him until I felt his shoulders relax. Then he said, “That’s okay”. We were good after that and those frequent car accidents stopped.

Perhaps you were looking for “real” power? My grandson and I were walking to the mall one day. Suddenly, we happened upon a dog that was hidden by a detour sign which someone in a parked van had placed on the sidewalk. Just as suddenly, another dog inside the van began barking, and that prompted the sidewalk-dog to join in. My grandson was scared and near to tears with fright. As I looked inside the van, two people were smiling at us. Obviously, they weren’t going to do anything about this. I redirected my grandson to a farther, safer place. The dogs were deafening by this time, barking after us and even growling. For some reason, I looked up to the sky, sighed, and made a motion with my hands to throw power to the dogs that they might be muffled. Yep. We heard a yelp and a whine. Then silence. The occupants of the van slid the door shut and drove away with their dogs.

I think Christians who retaliate and look for justice either through the courts, or by accusatory threats…well, they get their reward, don’t they? As for me and my household, we continue to serve the Lord.

Note: I’ve discovered that strangers on the internet have claimed that my blog has “vicious malware”. No doubt this was to keep visitors away. (Mahalo to the hero who complained over what these guys were doing. May God raise you up over them and prosper you.) Then I noticed that my blog had been relegated away from popular urls, where no one could possibly chance upon it to read it. No problem. God has been known to use unbelievers to send his people signs to move on—remember Pharaoh? I can also read the signs. So, to my visitors/readers, a fond “aloha” and a warm “mahalo” for your support. This blog is pau, completed, finished. Facebook you’re up!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Spiritual Realities #2e – The Power to be Wronged: Faith That Purifies Hearts

All About Power
courtesy Dean Williams 2012
Today, we engage in high levels of frustration, anger, and fear over disputes aggravated by a sense of justice gone wrong—and in most cases, go unsatisfied. As a result, we feel strong emotions of betrayal accompanied by a sense that we have “the right” to see justice done. Fine. But these demands so often fall upon deaf ears—and nothing really gets resolved to our satisfaction, do they?

These are stressful times and disagreements will rise up tomorrow just as surely as the sun does; and when they do, our recourse is Jesus who said, “Follow me”. He had “rights” too, remember? Yet, he chose not to exercise them (Acts 8:32; Isaiah 53.7)! So, Jesus—who did no wrong even as wrong was being done to him—didn’t open his mouth to avenge himself. Instead, he committed himself to God.

In the Greek, the word “follow” means to “be in the same way with”. Thus, Christians who follow Jesus and carry their cross, will soon experience the purpose that cross has (Matt. 16:24)! So, don’t be surprised that along our Christian journey, other believers will nail us to it! Don’t like that? Then take it up with God. By the way, did you think I was a fool for letting go of the opportunity to sue in a court of law? Bet you did.

Until we die to all “the rights” we believe we “rightly” deserve, we’ll continue to be dissatisfied Christians who quote empty words like, “Let go and let God”. In reality, we never truly “let God”; and as a consequence, our incongruous lives depict a powerless God even as we grow more and more disappointed with him.

I realize that the power to humble yourself—especially when you’re right—is not an easy power to wield. However, when God decides disputes between believers, he also purifies their hearts by faith (Acts 15:7-9). So the power that ultimately believes in God and heals the sick—right within our own wounded hearts—is the power to trust God for the “last days” atmosphere

Now, just so you don’t think it’s okay to be a victimized Christian, be aware that once we “follow” Jesus real power comes because we no longer have an egotistical, evil, and wicked heart that wields a loaded gun. We’ve passed God’s test. With pure and clean hearts, power now follows us wherever we go.

Next week: #2f Power Because God has Your Back

Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Spiritual Realities #2d – The Power of Choice: What You Sow, You Reap

All About Power

Five months later, word went around the complex that the Association had asked the manager to leave. What you sow, you reap.

He was a Christian. Did he think that the Scriptures wouldn’t apply to him just because he didn’t read them? My bible clearly states that our life is hidden with Christ in God. That said, whether we read the bible or not, whether we do the Scriptures or not, God makes certain that his words do not return to him ineffective, useless, and empty (Is. 55:11).

I did not inquire why the Association had let him go, but I did have an opportunity to share with them the situation that had occurred between the manager and me a year earlier. They told me to see an attorney. I had broken no lease terms to warrant an eviction. I could sue. I wondered why Legal Aid hadn’t told me that!?

So, I considered the Association’s advice. Who had more “right” to sue than I had? However, before that thought could take on life and form, just as had happened a year ago, happened again. Bible verses began to “walk” across my mind: “Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?” (1 Cor. 6:7, NIV).

Whoa! These were tough questions. I shook my head to clear it. What was God after? Then, Jesus’ words clearly sounded in my mind, “Forgive”. I sighed deeply. Well, I had forgiven, hadn’t I? As I tried to make sense over this tempting detour in my Christian journey, I realized that the Lord was testing me. If I had forgiven, then why was I wasting useless thoughts on seeking restitution through the courts? Wasn’t the Apostle Paul against the same thing occurring in the Corinthian church?

Okay, I got the message. Forgiveness meant a clean slate. My heart was clean and I was determined to keep it that way. Without a backward glance, I tossed out that good-looking temptation. The power of choice was mine, after all; and what I sowed, I would also reap!

Next week: #2e  The Power to be Wronged: Faith That Purifies Hearts
Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Scriptures marked “NIV” are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.