We admit. It’s not easy to have
faith for life and incorruption. So in this next part of our blog we will
explore faith, either through the Scriptures, or by sharing our discoveries
about faith. Since there are many types of faith, we will try to bring clarity
to a few of them.
One of those types of faith is
connected with salvation. We understand that we can do nothing of works to make
salvation happen for us. Salvation was Jesus’ work. Ours is to receive his work
by “the word faith” (Romans 10:8-10).
On the other hand, James writes that
there is a faith that is never alone. This faith keeps company with works.
Otherwise, he says, our faith is dead (James 2:17). This type of faith is
connected to the growth, or outworking, of our salvation. The apostles wrote
that there are things we have to discard, put off, put on, grow up into,
conform to, transform into, etc.—and they all take works of faith to
Thus, our aim on this part of our
blog is to 1) explore different variations of faith, 2) help others do the
works of faith and 3) show how to recognize God’s answer when it arrives. Yes,
it still takes faith to recognize God’s answer in whatever form he packages it.
Together, let’s find faith’s reality
and faith’s proof—of the things we hope for yet do not see (Heb. 12:1).
Scripture quotations from the New King James Version (NKJV)
of the bible unless otherwise noted.